Jugador tocado por el "angel de la muerte"ARCHIVO 2005

This clip is from a match over three years ago between Al-Raed and Hajer, two clubs in Saudi Arabia. The player player's name is Abdulrahman Al-Shoaibi, a Hajer player, and he was hit in the side of the head and suffered a seizure. He had to be taken to hospital, but he was absolutely fine and didn't spend the night there. In fact, he played the very next game for Hajer.
A rumour was spread around saying that this football player was suddenly taken by the angel of death, it is said that he had been strugling with the angel, even though he couldnt see him, then he got tossed around.. HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT TRUE! THIS VIDEO IS 100% AUTHENTIC BUT THE RUMOURS THAT HE DIED ARE NOT TRUE!

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